Litteratur om baby-bæring
Jeg har været på jagt efter teori og litteratur om fordele og ulemper ved baby-bæring, og herunder vil jeg prøve at liste, hvad jeg finder:
“Ein Baby will getragen sein” af Evelin Kirkilionis, 10 oplag, fra 1999 trykt af Kösel-Verlag.
Cardiorespiratory Stability of Premature and Term Infants Carried in Infant Slings
Waltraud Stening, MD, Patrizia Nitsch, MD, Gernot Wassmer, PhD and Bernhard Roth, MD. PEDIATRICS Vol. 110 No. 5 November 2002, pp. 879-883
Carrying as colic “therapy”: a randomized controlled trial.
Barr RG, McMullan SJ, Spiess H, et al. Pediatrics. 1991;87:623– 630
Does infant carrying promote attachment? An experimental study of the effects of increased physical contact on the development of attachment.
Anisfeld E, Casper V, Nozyce M, Cunningham N., Child Dev. 1990 Oct;61(5):1617-27.
Praktisch für Mütter, gefaehrlich fürs Kind?
Medical Tribune Kongressbericht. Med Tribune. 1995;18:7
Excessive crying and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease in infants: misalignment of biology and culture.
Douglas PS. Med Hypotheses. 2005;64(5):887-98.
Infant crying and sleeping: helping parents to prevent and manage problems.
St James-Roberts I., Prim Care. 2008 Sep;35(3):547-67, viii.
Infant carrying: the role of increased locomotory costs in early tool development.
Wall-Scheffler CM, Geiger K, Steudel-Numbers KL. Am J Phys Anthropol. 2007 Jun;133(2):841-6.
Increased carrying reduces infant crying: a randomized controlled trial.
Hunziker UA, Barr RG.Pediatrics. 1986;77:641– 648
Supplementary carrying compared with advice to increase responsive parenting as interven-
tions to prevent persistent infant crying Pediatrics.
St. James-Roberts I, Hurry J, Bowyer J, Barr RG. 1995;95:381–388
“Ein Baby will getragen sein” af Evelin Kirkilionis, 10 oplag, fra 1999 trykt af Kösel-Verlag.